Sunday, August 17, 2008

I have been mugged!

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Call me a freak if you need to. I'm addicted to muggs. This visual list was created to keep myself in check.

What you see here is the 64 figures that have been launched so far with largely (almost half) of them are Star Wars Muggs. Check out this list, believe me, there's alot more to play with, some notable absentees are R2D2, Jar Jar Binks, Count Dooku or even that iritating Watto. *I bet they're having trouble recreating characters with small or no feet.

Myself on the other hand, would like to see more of Marvel characters being parodized into Muggs, however, I hate when these opportunists trying to rip us off! Bugger. Despite all that, a good news for those interested! Hold on to your breath! Launching soon will be the Transformers Mighty Muggs Wave One with Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron and.....Soundwave!

Yay! I guess sooner or later I'm gonna need more space to store all my muggs. Check out my collection now..and yes, it's growing...